Check out these best-selling Sample CDs from Ilio Entertainment.
Produced by John Boylan and Anthony Harris, these two collections of killer samples are a
definite "must-have" for owners of Roland, Akai, Emu, Kurzweil,
SampleCell, and the new MOTU software sampler, MachFive.
Double Platinum Rock Piano: The industry's one and only Rock piano,
with all of the
intrinsically natural brightness and depth you need to speak through your tracks.
Produced by John Boylan and Anthony Harris. Engineered by Paul Grupp.
Double Platinum Drums: Nearly 2000 brilliantly recorded acoustic drum
hits and loops
from multi-platinum record winning producer John Boylan, drummer Michael Botts,
and engineer Paul Grupp.
For additional details and ordering information, please visit Ilio's website:
For the Drum CD-Rom
For the Piano CD-Rom
And stay tuned for news about new sample collections now in the planning stage. These will feature 24-bit, 96k samples for both the new Akai Z series and the exciting new software samplers.